
Terms of Use

Copyright, brands and other property rights

The Site (including all text, images, web pages, sound, video and other material on or accessible via the Site) as well as any software that needs to be used in relation to the former, may contain information that is protected by intellectual property rights or other legislation. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, intellectual property rights include, without limitation, all copyright, designs, trade marks, rights in data, database rights, know-how, rights in the get-up of the Site and any other intellectual property rights of any kind, whether registered or not, anywhere in the world.

Marco Polo Hotels - Hong Kong has, where necessary, secured the appropriate intellectual property rights relating to the reproduction and or use by it of any and all images available in this Site.

Except where stipulated to the contrary, intellectual property rights to documents contained within the Site and each of the items created for the Site are the sole property of Marco Polo Hotels - Hong Kong or its licensors: no licence, or any right other than the right to view the Site is granted to anyone, with regard to intellectual property rights. Specific additional details and limitations to intellectual property rights as the case may be are explicitly stated in the Site. You must comply with any usage restrictions identified on this Site. Marco Polo Hotels - Hong Kong reserves the right to withdraw usage rights without notice and the user hereby indemnifies Marco Polo Hotels - Hong Kong from any and all improper use or non compliance with said stated intellectual property rights.

The reproduction of material on the Site is authorised for the sole purpose of personal and private use; any reproduction or use or other exploitation of material for other purposes being expressly prohibited.

Printing or downloading any material or information that is contained on the Site is subject to the five following additional conditions: (i) the material or information is exclusively destined for personal and not commercial use, (ii) information relating to the existence of a copyright or any other mention of property rights must not be removed from the material or information, (iii) the material or information must not be modified in any way whatsoever, (iv) you are in a country where the consumption or purchasing of alcoholic drinks is authorised and (v) you are of a legal age to consume or purchase alcoholic drinks in the country in which you are situated.

You are also prohibited from copying, modifying, creating a derived piece of work, inverting the design or composition or in any other way attempting to find the source code (with the exception of cases outlined in law), selling, passing on, sub-licensing or transferring any right relating to the software used to operate this Site in any way whatsoever.

Finally, you are also prohibited from modifying the software or using modified versions of the software, specifically (without this list being exhaustive) with a view to obtaining unauthorised access to the service and accessing the Site by another means than via the interface that you have been provided with for this purpose by Marco Polo Hotels - Hong Kong.

All data must be returned to Marco Polo Hotels - Hong Kong upon terminiation of agreement by either party.