Awards and Recognition

Marco Polo Xiamen is a luxury 5-star hotel that has received accolades and awards from a variety of prestigious travel magazines, media and organizations.

  • Gold Certificate,EarthCheck
  • Traveller Review Awards,
  • Travelers' Choice Awards Winner,Tripadvisor
  • The "Must -Stay" List,Meituan·Dianping

  • Gold Certificate,EarthCheck
  • Best Resort Hotel Of The Year,Lifestyle Magazine
  • Best Business Hotel Selection,Metropolitan Magazine
  • Business Travel Preferred Hotel Award of the Year,Hotel New Rank
  • Best Business Hotel of the Year,ENCHANTE's Choice - Hotel
  • China's Best Green Business Hotel,Golden Olive
  • China's Best City Landmark Hotel,Golden Olive
  • Leisure Business Hotel of the Year,HotelShare
  • Autonavi Award,Autonavi
  • Best Hotel Business Hotel of the Year,Journey +
  • Gold Circle Award,
  • Best Customer Engagement with Post-Stay Reviews,
  • Meituan Popular Hotel Restaurant - Cafe Marco,Meituan Hotel

  • Silver Certificate,EarthCheck
  • Traveller Review Awards,
  • City Influential Hotel Award,China Hotel New Media Alliance Review Committee (CHMA)

  • Loved By Guests Award Winner,